RU | LV                 
This data will be available for the preview on our website
* Name:
* Date of birth:
Year :
Month :
Day :
* Height (см):
* Weight (kg):
* Bust size (см):
* Waist size (см):
* Hips size (см):
* Clothes size:
* Shoes size:
* Eye colour:
*Hair colour:
This data will be unavailable for the preview on our website and is only for the official use.
* Surname:
The place of work:
Held position:
The place of studies:
Form at school:
Year at university:
English :
Other (level of knowledge)
* Postal address:
Country :
City :
Address :
ZIP code :
* Telephone number :
Have you studied in the model school before ?
If you did, which school was it?
Do you have any working experience as a model ?
If you do, then what kind of ?
We would also like to kindly ask you to answer the following questions .
This data will not be viewable on our website and they are meant only for us to be able to get a clearer image of the future photo model.
Do you enjoy taking pictures?
What is the biggest happiness for you?
Your hobbies?
The most surprising discovery for you lately :
Can you take pictures yourself ?
What quality do you value the most in other people ?
Your most recent loss or disappoitment :
What goal do you have right now ?
While posing in front of the camera, are you able to express various emotions, like happiness, sadness, suprise etc?
What kind of music do you like, which performers?
What would you like to do if you had a lot of money and free time?
The worst thing ever for you would be :
Which (one) word would the surrounding people use to describe you?
Do you consider yourself to be beautiful ?
Your favorite food? Drink?
Do you have any bad habits? What kind of?
Please name your favorite countries and cities :
How long can you live without communicating to other people ?
Do you have any children ?
If not, would you like to have children ?
What kind of people do you hate ?
Main traits of your character:
Your main character trait :
Your favorite writers :
How do you usually get acquainted with people ?
Are you able to be photographed without feeling shy because of the camera ?
Do you have any pets ? What kind of ?
Your statne of mind as of right now:
Do you have a ot of friends?
What do you think will look the most attractive on the photo – your eyes, hair, body or something else?
Is it easy for you to go out on a stage and perform in front of a large crown of people?
Are you into some kind of sport or dancing?
Do you worry when you are being late for the meeting ?
Your biggest achievement lately?
Your moto for life :
If you have any photos, please attach them :
(format - jpg, not more than 100Kb each)

I agree that all the photographs made in Photo Model Agency “Portfolio” are the property of Agency and that Agency will represent my interests in the questions of common photo model advertising and commercial activities.
Subscribe for our distribution of new models' profiles from our data base.
Your e-mail:
* You e-mail will not be handled to other people.
Riga, Kugu iela 24
Cell phone :
+ 371 29503080

portfolio © 2004 developed by WEBEXPRESS